Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interview with Frodoricka

1.Q:"What's it like to be a turtle?" A:" Boring. When your in a plastic tub, there's not much to do".
2 Q:  "If you could be any other animal, what would you be?" A:"A T-Rex, because the predators wouldn't pick on me".
3 Q: "Um, okay. What is your favorite food?" A:" Red apples.I love them!" :)
4 Q: "Who is your favorite acquaintance?" A: "Hmm, tough one. I don't think it's that Reeper guy, he's kind of creepy. Not that Orange Spot either. He wasn't very friendly. I'd say it's a tie between the person who gives me warm water, ( love that):) and the turtle next door."
5 Q: "Okay, last one. Whats your favorite thing to do?" A:"Taking a walk outside, and sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll find a tasty snack of fruit and bugs." "Well, that's all the questions, see ya!  

I also wrote a conversation between the pets, and here it is:
 Frodoricka: "Hey General, watcha doing"?
General: "Snore".
Reeper:"He's obviously sleeping, duh"!
F:"There's no need to be mean,
 Reeper". R:"I can be (beeeep!)  mean if I (beeep) want to!"
F:"Reeper, stop cursing.
 G:"Huh? What's going on?
F:"Reeper's cursing us out in rat".
 R:"Squeak, squeak, (grinding of teeth.) squeak ,squeak !
 G:"Oh. Well, that's annoying".
F:" Uh-hu".
R:" Squeak, squeak( gnashing of teeth) squeak squeak"!
G:" Is he ever gonna stop"?
R:" Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak"!
F:" Nope.
R; Breathlessly, "Squeak, squeak,squeak, oh, I give up"> (Reeper falls over.)Fump! " Snore"!
F:"Well, I stand corrected."
F:"General? General?
G:" Snore".
F:" Oh, well. I guess I should sleep to". Frodoricka falls asleep. "Snore".                                                                        THE END       George                                                  

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