Friday, March 22, 2013

the baby dragon.

For journal writing we had to right a story titled The baby dragon. so here it is! Once upon a time, two kids were walking in a cave, looking for treasure. Then, they saw the egg. To them, it looked like a colorful rock, not an egg. the boy, who's name was Jack, said: " oh! Cool! Treasure!" " lets take it home," said the girl, who's name was Jennifer. " It would make a cool thing to show people. So they took home. A week later, they heard a sound in there room. " lets go check it out." Whispered Jennifer. They climbed up the stairs, and when they opened the door, they saw what looked like a little lizard, standing in the pieces of it's egg. " what is it? whispered Jennifer, shocked. " I think it's a baby dragon." Said Jack, also shocked. The dragon, if that was what it was, looked them in the eye, and they heard in there minds, a voice, saying: " your minds are mine," It said. " surrender them to me!" And so they raised the dragon, doing it's bidding, and it grew larger, much larger. one day, Jack and Jennifer returned home from school, to find the fully grown dragon gone." Where is master?" Jack said dully. Unknowingly, they had raised the end of the world.                                                                                   George                                                                         

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Just to inform anyone who might wonder, Reeper is a rat, General and Frodoricka are turtles. They were assigned to imagine if pets could talk, what would they say. They came up with the interview idea themselves and then expanded. I'm just glad they wrote more than the required 5 sentences!

The Reeper Interview

1. Q.Where did you come from before the pet store?
     A. I was in the jungle, smaller than your house, much smaller than your house, rat size.

2.  Q. What did you eat in the jungle?
      A. I ate mostly stuff I could I could find. Leaves with some tiger. That's what I mostly ate.

3.  Q. How did you get to the pet store from your palace?
      A. I was in my car, about to go for a drive, when I pressed a button that was just installed by my car fixer, cause it was broken the last time I went up a mountain. I pushed the button to see what it did. It boinged all the seats and I boinged out. Then it boinged me a long way. After that, I landed by the pet store. They brought me in and fed me food, but no tiger.

4.  Q. Why do have that pattern on your back?
     A.  When I was born, my mother had that pattern, so I had that pattern.

By Rebecca

The pet discussion

General, Frodoricka, and Reeper were all sitting in a very formal room, at a very formal table, in very formal clothes. General put his elbows on the table, his fingers together, and said, "Now, you may all be wondering why I asked you here today." Reeper yawned. "Can we not do this tonight, in a suite, wearing tuxedos?" "Hey!" said Frodoricka. "All right," said Reeper, "you may wear an evening gown." "Nobody understands you the way I do", said General, trying desperately to be in the conversation. "Awww" said a maid, who was cleaning during the whole conversation. Everybody stared at her for a long time. Finally, someone spoke. "Anyway" said General, trying to regain his audience. "We'd all be asleep then,. It's your fault you're nocturnal." "I think that animals who only stay up during the day are...err...ungrateful." said Reeper. "Who are you calling ungrateful?" said Frodoricka. "Why are you even awake anyway?" "Oh," said Reeper, "I stay awake until 7:45, yet it is only 6:00am." "Hey" said the maid, whose name was Gertrude, "I've got the President on the phone. He's heard everything you've said and wants you to be Spys." He wants you to be at the White House at 9:00 sharp, in two days." She listened to the phone for a minute. "He also want you to be on a team together." She left the room. "OH NOOOOOOO!!!" yelled Reeper, forgetting his oily manner. "What are we going to dooooooo!?!"
by Samantha

to be continued

My Interview With General

Samantha - How many times have you tried to escape?
General - Too many times to count! When I stopped counting, about three years ago, I was at 553!
S - Where did you used to  live?
G - I used to be King of the Three-toed Box Turtles in Missouri. I lived in a palace bigger then your house!
S - How did you get here?
G - My palace lit on fire and my people all died. I went adventuring and when I was too tired to go on, I stopped and rested. Then you found me.
S - Who is the love of your life?
G - Frodoricka! I recognized her to be my playmate from my childhood.
S - How would you decorate where you live?
G - Oh, first I would put in walls, separating the bathroom, the bedroom and the dining room. There would be tapestries on the wall, a table in the dining room, and a feather bed in the bedroom. There would be a toilet and a sink and a jacuzzi in the bathroom.
S - Thank you, for your time.

Interview with Frodoricka

1.Q:"What's it like to be a turtle?" A:" Boring. When your in a plastic tub, there's not much to do".
2 Q:  "If you could be any other animal, what would you be?" A:"A T-Rex, because the predators wouldn't pick on me".
3 Q: "Um, okay. What is your favorite food?" A:" Red apples.I love them!" :)
4 Q: "Who is your favorite acquaintance?" A: "Hmm, tough one. I don't think it's that Reeper guy, he's kind of creepy. Not that Orange Spot either. He wasn't very friendly. I'd say it's a tie between the person who gives me warm water, ( love that):) and the turtle next door."
5 Q: "Okay, last one. Whats your favorite thing to do?" A:"Taking a walk outside, and sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll find a tasty snack of fruit and bugs." "Well, that's all the questions, see ya!  

I also wrote a conversation between the pets, and here it is:
 Frodoricka: "Hey General, watcha doing"?
General: "Snore".
Reeper:"He's obviously sleeping, duh"!
F:"There's no need to be mean,
 Reeper". R:"I can be (beeeep!)  mean if I (beeep) want to!"
F:"Reeper, stop cursing.
 G:"Huh? What's going on?
F:"Reeper's cursing us out in rat".
 R:"Squeak, squeak, (grinding of teeth.) squeak ,squeak !
 G:"Oh. Well, that's annoying".
F:" Uh-hu".
R:" Squeak, squeak( gnashing of teeth) squeak squeak"!
G:" Is he ever gonna stop"?
R:" Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak"!
F:" Nope.
R; Breathlessly, "Squeak, squeak,squeak, oh, I give up"> (Reeper falls over.)Fump! " Snore"!
F:"Well, I stand corrected."
F:"General? General?
G:" Snore".
F:" Oh, well. I guess I should sleep to". Frodoricka falls asleep. "Snore".                                                                        THE END       George                                                  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

If I could paint my room...

If I could paint anything I wanted on my walls, and if I was a really good painter, I would paint Harry Potter things. I would paint Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Dumbledore. They would all have mad faces and would be pointing their wands to the other wall. On the other wall would be Voldemort, Bellatrix, Lucius, Draco and Narcissa, all with mad faces and pointing their wands at Harry and the good guys. Mommy says that this would scare me, especially if I was a really good painter and made it look real. Maybe, maybe not.



On Saturday morning, I was collecting  icicles from the sides of the house for Kati and Johan, my friends when I slipped on some ice I had carefully avoided. When my head hit the ground, every thing was in slow motion. I couldn't see very well, just blurred colors. Then the garage door opened and mommy came out. She helped me inside, and I sat down in a chair. She checked my eyes to see if I had a concussion. She checked my head to see if it was bleeding. It wasn't. It was a little bit before I could see right. I went outside later, after my head stopped hurting.                                                                                                                                                      George