Sunday, October 23, 2011

George's 5th grade concert

The link is just the first song and a bunch of pictures from the other songs.  George did a good job singing, but is not as comfortable doing the actions as some of the kids.  He gets his stage fright from his mother.  He was in the rhythm section for one of the songs, playing a trashcan, and that picture is in the montage.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Guilty as charged

The girls were playing some game today in which Samantha arrested Rebecca for "attempted murder and impersonating a horse."  I'm not believing the attempted murder, but she can't get out of the lesser charge.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nerdy Children

While I was making dinner tonight, I hear..."Who's this? Right. Who's this? Nope. Who's this? Right." I listen more carefully. The 8 year old is quizzing her 4 year old sister on Harry Potter character pictures. She wouldn't even allow Mad Eye Moody as a correct answer. She insisted on knowing the first name. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011


We have been running around a lot lately.  Zoo, home school group, WWI museum.  This week, we even went to the Renaissance Festival.  My feet are killing me.  I thought they were getting better, but this last week proved that they are only better when I don't do anything.  It takes all the fun out of life for the kids.  Of course, they do appreciate the time it takes me to walk anywhere, especially when I'm coming to beat.  Samantha's famous statement.... Me "I'm coming to beat"  Samantha "Not until you stretch your feet!"  She's right.  By the time I get there, they have moved onto a new activity that may, or may not, require a beating.

Friday, September 16, 2011

That George

George saw a sign that informed us that starfish have no brains. His response: "I guess they'll be the only ones to survive the zombie apocalypse."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Samantha's post           Hi. I like lots of movies. I really really want to play outside!!!  but, I have to do to this first. We are watching T.V.       now I'm done!!!       samantha

Pink Eye

I got pink eye on Saturday.  We went to the Doctor and had fun.  I got eye drops.  They hurt at first, but then they didn't.  That's all.


not sure what to write

Hi. its George. Again. right now my mom is making me write this. ( psst! any one got a stun gun? ) (: But anyway I think I will write about how my computer games are going. so, lately I have gotten bored with my star wars computer game. so, I turned to my generals computer game to entertain me, and it was fun for a little bit until I finished the game I had created. So, then I turned to the other disc of generals ( zero hour ) and played it for a little bit before I finished that game that I had created and from there I just played a little bit of other games on generals until I got off. Oh, and I also went to Fayette with my dad last week.George

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


George and Samantha wrote poems today.  Samantha like the one George wrote and George like the one he wrote, so I guess they agree on some things.  I wasn't planning on poetry today, but while we were discussing table of contents, index, etc., Samantha brought a poetry collection for an example.  At times, I stick to the plan, but it is nice to be able to deviate when they are interested in a topic.  One of the perks of homeschooling.


Bored - board

I'm bored with my skateboard, I'm bored with my surfboard,but I bet it would help if they weren't snapped in half.

by Samantha

Its me again

Hi. its me George. again. I have written a poem and it goes like this: tinkle tinkle little pee, why are you staring up at me? Your lucky that I did not poo, Ain`t you glad it did not land on you? Tinkle, tinkle little pee why are you staring up at me?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Samantha; the one with the patch

Hi. My name is Samantha. My sister likes me to read to her. I like to read to. Some of my favorite books are: The Hobbit, The tail of  Emily Windsnap, and The dragon in the sock drawer. I like to play outside a lot to. Thank you for reading my post.           Samantha

my sisters still worship me:)

Hi. my name is George. I like to play on the computer. As my title states, my sisters sill worship me:) the only problem is that they try not to show it. I have written a few books. One of the books is called In a galaxy far, far away, the untold story of, THE WOODEN DEATH STAR.It is about a person named Zuke. and about a droid named bar-too,and about a princess named princess beia, and , yes it is mocking star wars. Then I wrote another book named the adventures of boba fett.And its about a  person named Boba, and another person named Darth Zader. And it is the next book after the untold story of, THE WOODEN DEATH STAR. So, yes, it does have zuke. I have also written three comic books. One is called the ADVENTURES OF STUPID MAN, another called SON OF STUPID MAN, and another called THE ADVENTURES OF STUPID WOMAN, witch , as you can tell, is all about a stupid man,the son of the stupid man, and the wife of the stupid man is stupid woman. I really like anything star warsy. Like star wars computer games, star wars legos, star wars anything! I also like to read.  By George

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Our First Family Blog

We decided to start a family blog for home school.  Our first post is to introduce ourselves.
Rebecca - I'm 4.  I like to play outside.  I like to do crafts and scrapbooking.  I like to watch movies.  I'm learning how to read.
Samantha - I'm 8.  I like to play outside and read.  I love Harry Potter books and movies.  My left eye doesn't work very well, so I wear an eye patch to strengthen it.  And now I can't read what I'm saying.
George - I'm 10.  My sisters worship me :) I like to play computer.  I like to read just about anything.  My favorite books are The Dragon of Lonely Island, Gregor the Overlander and My Side of the Mountain and The Hatchet.

From Samantha and Rebecca - no we don't.